Friday, 17 April 2009

Using WhosOn in your Blogspot Blog.

I've decided to add tracking & chat to my blog here, partially as an excercise in how to do it and also for vanity purposes... although the small number of human visitors is always a disappointment!

In the WhosOn client, generate the tracking code. It will look like this:

<script type='text/javascript' src='http://{your-gateway}/include.js?domain={your-domain}'></script><script type='text/javascript' >if(typeof sWOTrackPage=='function')sWOTrackPage();</script>

Add an HTML/Javascript Gadget to the bottom of your blog Layout, and paste this code into it.

Then, you can add another Gadget to show the chat link - I put a new HTML/Javascript Gadget on the left hand side, and put in:

<a id='whoson_chat_link'></a>

The WhosOn code dynamically replaces this link with the correct image (online / offline).

If you only want to track, then you can generate the tracking only code through the client - you don't need to put the anchor in the left if you do this.

1 comment:

  1. The HTML and JAVA SCRIPT gadgets are important..And the blog is very informative..

